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Showing posts from 2009

Disco Vs Books

Lights thump & shaking humps, wait, am i in a disco? Joking some say a search for soul mate, I say, just a bait. The impatient gen want more & fast, But such things never last. Nothing does, says a logical fart, Anyways, a book and tea, gotta dart.

Divine Mime!!!

SA says: I have been a bad friend Done things I cannot mend Damn, I didn't want that to rhyme Now I'm left with a poem that's turning into a mime! PS says: Bad or good only time can tell, In the end all's always well, for we are just puppets in the hand divine, what you did was inspired by time!

Life As Is

The green God rule, Pick a hero or a mule. The chase, the want, the hunger for more, Within us a monster bore. When joy and bliss on paper relies, Every moment you swat as flies. When greed dictates mind, Peace you hope to find! Life as is, Will no one miss?

Think! Thinker.

To be or not to be, is what baffles a thinker. Resist the supreme, is the game of a thinker. Between the thoughts, who breaths thought to you thinker? think, my little thinker.


Look where ever, up or around, I'll be there as the sky abounds. Love that is tall and deep, For you, I forever seek. Until thee rest in my arms, And shower all your charms. I shall not be in peace, for thou art my lone retreat.