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Showing posts from February, 2008

Is it worth tagging FIRST???

Benjamin Disraeli once said “The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end." . I can’t agree with him more, considering the fact that the emotional flow is so damn hard to get over that one starts feeling completely paralyzed by it, at least the logic is paralyzed. Now couple it with a lot of dreams one builds on the shoulders of the success of their so called first love, intoxicate it with the seeming impossibility to the one in love that it can’t be fulfilled in any other way or even by other person; Result: - The person becomes so dependent on one individual that his/her individuality seems to be merging with the beloved. On surface it seems a very romantic and very real thing, deep down it means plain old dependency . The ancient Indian philosophy’s single and consummate concept of non-attachment doesn’t mean not to love someone or something, for that matter, as it is generally misinterpreted. It actually means love something or someone whole heartedly, ...