…..... this veil not only obscure the three vertices of the self triad, but also make an individual very reaction centric as for that individual only the outcome is of prime importance, not the means or ways in which it’s reached. The more the person tries to move towards the center of the triad, it’s like a typical process of self awareness, when the clouds of obscurity are obliterated and the individual slowly starts seeing the vertex of perception (remember, situation is always very evident and most of the times obscenely blatant). Once an individual gets the experience of viewing how the reactions are driven by perception(s), there is no turning back (provided the person has enough courage to face the self-analysis by THE self, which can be outrageously true and hence most of the time not pleasant, but remember, in long run you will appreciate its bounteousness) .
Sarangi, Abinash says: Philosophy like a fingerprint is the only attribute which is unique to a person" Pant, Shailesh says: guddddddd 1 Pant, Shailesh says: really gud 1... Pant, Shailesh says: its sort of a spiritual fingerprint... Pant, Shailesh says: very unique to soul.... But... hang on a minute... Pant, Shailesh says: if there is only ONE God, n v r the perceptual manifestation of the same ONE, how can there be different spiritual fingerprints... i.e. different philosophies... Sarangi, Abinash says: Let me give an analogy for it.. Pant, Shailesh says: thts bring to the conclusion tht for gud there is only one philosophy underneath all the seemingly varied expressions... n tht i thinkg is LOVE... Sarangi, Abinash says: Like all the fingers are part of the same hand or same body for that matter but all the fingers are of different sizes and finger prints... Sarangi, Abinash says: Still they origin from the same source bodya nd same main trunk Pant, Shailesh says: i guess tht...